Friday, June 14, 2013

You are cordially invited to the opening of my latest exhibition - All things undying.

If you have some free time on Wednesday 26 June at 6.30pm you might drop in for the opening of my latest exhibition All things undying. It opens in the beautiful

                                                         darc space Gallery,
                                                   26 North Great Georges St.,
                                                                Dublin 1.

Just off Parnell Street. Come on in for a chat and a glass of wine. The exhibition is the first to open in the month long PhotoIreland festival of photography which takes place across the country for the month of July. There is more information on my earlier bolg if you are interested:

All things undying is open weekdays from 10.00am to 5.30pm. And Saturdays from 12 noon until 3.00pm. The exhibition ends 18th July.

Contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of photography:
Eugene Langan Photography
Studio Eight, 
32 Northbrunswick St., 
Dublin 7.
Tel. 01.7645753  Mob. 087.2597907

New Exhibition - All things undying. Opens June 26th.

'All things undying' is a series of photographs from the War Memorial Park in Islandbridge, Dublin. It was built to commemorate the dead of the First World War, later the soldiers who died in the Second World War were also acknowledged.
During nightly winter walks in the War Memorial I was struck by the strange beauty and quiet of the location.The granite buildings and monuments lit by the sodium lamps from the roadway and occasional moonlight. The structures eerily appeared and disappeared in the darkness. Thoughts moved easily to the bleak horror of war and the first world war trenches. Thoughts of the misery suffered by the young men who never made it home. The absolute waste of young lives.
I look at this beautifully kept memorial as an outstanding place of contemplation and beauty but also see it as something inadequate when compared to the sacrifice of these men. 
The title of the exhibition, 'All things undying', is taken from the extract of Rupert Brooke's poem 'Safety' and is inscribed under the cupola by the River Liffey.

'Becalmed' is a single piece made up of 9 images.  I was struck by the intense beauty of the flat sea where only a gentle breeze disturbed the reflection of the sky. When I saw the final images I was moved and excited by there beauty and meditative quality. While widely contrasting with the War Memorial work in style and technique, the innate sense of the contemplative profoundly connects the two works. 

All things undying is open week days from 10.00am to 5.30pm. And Saturdays from 12 noon until 3.00pm. The exhibition ends 18th July.

 Contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of photography:
Eugene Langan Photography
Studio Eight, 
32 Northbrunswick St., 
Dublin 7.
Tel. 01.4163837
Mob. 087.2597907


If you have a few free moments I'd love if you could check out my newly uploaded web site.
Lots of new work to be seen under the different catagories. You can go straight to the home page from this link:

Contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of photography:
Eugene Langan Photography
Studio Eight, 
32 Northbrunswick St., 
Dublin 7.
Tel. 01.4163837
Mob. 087.2597907