Monday, November 15, 2010

2 Bronze Medals for International Aperture Photographic Award

Yippee. I've won two bronze awards for 2 portraits I entred into the 2010 International Aperture Awards - withentries from 91 different countries. Two out of three portraits I entred won bronze - they all should have won gold or platinum but there you go! They were part of a series of portraits I did last August for Arts Festival - Phizzfest, here in Dublin. Here are the two winning portraits - the full exhibition can be seen at this 'Blog':

If you would like to discuss any aspect of photography just contact me on the addresses below.
Studio Eight, 
32 Northbrunswick St., 
Dublin 7.
Tel. 01.4163837
Mob. 087.2597907

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I've finally completed my move to my new studio.
Snuggled between Smithfield and Stoneybatter there is easy access to parking and the city centre.
A spanking new purpose built kitchen for food photography is a thing to behold.
If you are in the area do call in for a coffee.

New address details:

Studio Eight, 32 North Brunswick St., Dublin 7. Ireland.


Tel: 353.1.4163837   Mob: 087 2597907
e-mail: Web:
Work Blog:
Food Photography Tips:
Portrait Exhibition Blog:

Tips For Your Next Food Photography Shoot

I've just put up a new BLOG site with tips for people commissioning food photography.
Whether you are a first time buyer of photography or a regular commissioner there might be some useful tips here for you.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss any aspect of photography.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I've just put up a series of 12 portraits from my local area on display for Phizzfest - The inaugural Phibsborough Art Festival. ( Check out their great programme at -  )
Using Patrick Kavanagh's poem 'Epic' as a starting block I photographed my neighbours and local business men. These portraits hang with an amazingly diverse selection of other artists work.  It is happening on the 3rd floor of the tower in Phibsborough shopping centre - opening hours between 6 and 8pm each evening (except Thursday opening night for more events.) Also over next weekend 10am to 5pm. Well worth a visit.

You can see all 12 portraits at;

To view more work go to
Or e-mail me at:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Thanks to everyone who voted for my book of portraits - WORK. The competition is now closed but you can still view the book below on an earlier post 'Speaking of Portfolios...' From the feedback I got it seems it was difficult to vote. So thanks to everyone for trying.

To see more work check out
Or contact me at

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Small World.

   If you have a moment for a coffee in Bewleys I recommend you to visit the current exhibition in Bewleys Cafe Theatre. Small World is the creation of Paddy Campbell - successful business man turned sculpture and artist. A series of everyday scenarios, cafe scene, beach scene, train carriage and so on, are recreated in one third life size scale. Beautifully quirky. The individual sculptures come alive when you peek in on them from different vantage points. I spent 2 days working with Paddy photographing the different sets. The photographs were used for a beautiful catalogue, invitations, posters and banners.  

View more of my work at:
e-mail me at:

Passion and Politics

The latest exhibition to open in the Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, Passion and Politics, opened recently, showing the work of Sir John Lavery. I photographed the £100 note that is now been used all around the city to publicise the event. A very large high resolution file was produced and supplied to the design team working on invites, banners and large format posters as well as the exhibition catalogue. Highly colour critical images of a selection of Lavery's portraits were supplied also for the catalogue.

 Go visit this historically, very interesting exhibition and see if you don't melt under the eyes of the beautiful and prototype celebrity Lady Lavery.

View more of my work at:
e-mail me at:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Latest IPUT Annual Report

Irish Property Unit Trust (IPUT) recently published their latest annual report. They spotted the Samuel Beckett Bridge photograph from my earlier blogs(see below) and used it to great affect on the cover. For the rest of the  photography - both people and architectural - I was commissioned and other photography from archives that I shot for IPUT over recent years.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Speaking of portfolio...

Some of you may not have seen my book of portraits - WORK. It is a selection of portraits from many projects that I have worked on in the past. Click on it to view the contents. If you would like to see the book for real, send me an e-mail and we can arrange a meeting:  You can also visit my web site


New Food Portfolio.

Click on the book to view the contents..
If you would like to see it for real send me an e-mail -  - with your postal address and I'll pop one in the post to you.

You can also check out my website at

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Photography and Design definitely pays off.

When Musgrave Food Services called me in to supply photography for their newly updated packaging on a range of mayonnaise and sauces, they were in for a big suprise. Without an iota of promotion or advertising the new packaging replaced the old design on their Cash and Carry shelves. Product sales immediately increased by 60% and some items sold out completely. Not only that, but all the photography had multiple uses also; on the web site, in brochures, promotional leaflets, point of sale... Proof, if needed, that good photography and design pays off - big time.

View more work at or contact me at

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow cloud burst over Dublin Bay

A brisk walk down The Bull Wall on the north side of the city gave me a great vantage point to watch this snowy cloud burst over the city. It was cold and very windy but really invigorating.

To view more work visit or contact me via e-mail at

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CLG launch their new brochure

CLG is one of Irelands leading construction and civil engineering companies with a portfolio that is the envy of many of its competitors. Celebrating 30 years of business, I got the opportunity to photograph many of their completed and ongoing projects. It was challenging both from a weather point of view - we were photographing through one of the wettest summers for years and shooting at construction sites where we had no control over the set up of the shots and we had to shoot under strict safety conditions. The new brochure celebrating 30 years of success looks really well. Here’s to the next 30 years of success.

For more work check out my web site at
Or e mail me at: