If you have some free time on Wednesday 26 June at 6.30pm you might drop in for the opening of my latest exhibition All things undying. It opens in the beautiful
darc space Gallery,
26 North Great Georges St.,
Dublin 1.
Just off Parnell Street. Come on in for a chat and a glass of wine. The exhibition is the first to open in the month long PhotoIreland festival of photography which takes place across the country for the month of July. There is more information on my earlier bolg if you are interested: http://eugenelangan.blogspot.pt/2013/06/new-exhibition-all-things-undying-opens.html
All things undying is open weekdays from 10.00am to 5.30pm. And Saturdays from 12 noon until 3.00pm. The exhibition ends 18th July.
Contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of photography:
Eugene Langan Photography
Studio Eight,
32 Northbrunswick St.,
Dublin 7.
Tel. 01.7645753 Mob. 087.2597907
e-mail. langan@indigo.ie
Foodblog: http://foodphotographytips.blogspot.com